What grades does Resurrection Lutheran School offer?

Preschool & Kindergarten -8th Grade is currently offered at Resurrection Lutheran School.

What are the school hours?

8:15 AM - 3:15 PM Monday - Friday.

How and when do I drop off my child at Resurrection Lutheran School?

Parents are welcome to drop off children starting at 7:00 AM. Before and after school care is available for students. Inquire with the school office.

What is the student-to-teacher ratio?


Are there opportunities for parent involvement?

Yes, there are plenty of ways parents can be involved here at Resurrection Lutheran School. Parent involvement in after-school programs, field trips, etc. is encouraged.

Are uniforms required at Resurrection Lutheran School?

No, uniforms are not required. You can find our student dress policy in the student handbook.

What is Creation based learning?

At Resurrection Lutheran School every subject is taught from a Christian perspective. We teach Creation based science, there is daily Bible instruction using Christ Light curriculum and God’s Word is the center of campus culture.

Is being a member of the church required?

No, we don't require membership to be enrolled at Resurrection Lutheran School. A discount on tuition is offered to members of the Resurrection Lutheran Church. Pastor Tom Nicholson would be delighted to connect with those seeking a church home. If you would like to connect with him via email at pastor.nicholson@relcs.org.

What if my child has a learning disability?

Students of all learning abilities are welcome at Resurrection Lutheran School however, we do not have a separate Special Needs program. Any learning disability that requires special accommodations will need to be addressed with your child’s teacher.

How are parents made aware of their children’s progress at Resurrection Lutheran School?

It’s extremely important to us that parents know their child's academic progress. Report cards are sent out quarterly, and parents have access to the teacher and are informed of areas where students are excelling and/or struggling academically. We encourage parents to attend parent-teacher conferences to go over student progress.

How do you measure individual achievement and progress? 

Teachers use a typical grading system, along with national standardized testing done regularly.

How does RLS handle student behavior issues?

At Resurrection Lutheran School, we expect students to behave in a loving and Christian manner. We understand student behavior issues arise. Parents will be notified if the behavior is disruptive or concerning and we will consult with parents on an individual basis. Resurrection Lutheran School strives to cultivate a classroom culture that is a respectful and nurturing environment for students.

What is the deadline to apply?

The deadline to apply for 2024-25 is August 1, 2024.

Transfer students are encouraged to apply at any time. Admissions staff will review all applications and contact parents or guardians regarding their applications and our classroom availability.

You are welcome to schedule a tour with one of our staff at any time. Schedule your tour here.

Who can I contact if my question is not listed here?

Please contact our school office (630) 907-1313 or email school.secretary@relcs.org and we will direct you to the best person to answer your questions.

Resurrection Lutheran School

2567 W Sullivan Rd,
Aurora, IL 60506